Saturday, November 14, 2015



Image result for Richard Branson

The example of entrepreneur that is has outcome oriented traits is Richard Branson. Richard Branson is well known as a leading business figure throughout the western world. Although not all of his business ventures and investments have been successful, he has created a global online and many other businesses, including a chain if music distribution and retail enterprises, most of which are marketed under the Virgin brand. Branson is one of a new breed of business leaders who combine personal flair and entrepreneurial vision with sound business logic and decision-making.
He initiated airline Virgin Australia, which has challenged the entrenched players in New Zealand and Australia. As business entrepreneurs are motivated by a desire to see things change and to produce measureable returns. The results they seek are essentially linked to ‘making the world a better place’, for example through improving quality of life, access to basic resources or supporting disadvantaged groups. 

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