Saturday, November 14, 2015



For example the story of women’s entrepreneurs Madam Sairolniza Jamadi who have the high vision. The entrepreneur opened a business called Rabiah Amit Cake House. Visionary in itself clear when the vision is to change the traditional marketing its Sarawak Layer Cake maker of the methods of dealing face to form a business online. Entrepreneurs are also expanding business market that are inherited from the mother at the global level using information technology skills. Despite various obstacles impassable either from outside or inside, these entrepreneurs continue to persevere and make it a challenge.

According to Yep White (1985), challenges that must be passed by an entrepreneur can be divided into self and family, challenge yourself more centered on his ability to perform the duties and responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Effectiveness depends on the skills, experience, ability and willingness to discipline yourself to sacrifice pleasure and leisure. The second challenge, namely the family occurs in two forms, namely they did not believe in the ability of the individual business. As a result of this situation could discourage entrepreneurs. Moreover, the family refused to give a positive and constructive cooperation to prevent progress.

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